Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Perennial veggies that work here: (Salida , CO, 7,000 FT. arid)

Asparagus, Rhubarb, walking onions, lovage, horseradish, Jeruselem artichokes, nettles (cooked of course), safir celery, salad burnet, sorrel, prickly-pear cactus, dandelion (I know everyone hates these), purslane, good king henry, chickweed, balsamroot, perennial sunflowers, jerusalem artichoke

Trying: turkish rocket, groundnut, ramps, welsh onion, skirret,

Other useful perennial things :

Seasonings: French tarragon, chives, garlic chives, oregano, marjoram, thymes, sage, costmary, parsley (bi-annual)

lemon balm, mints, chamomile, fennel

Reseeders (if you let them): lettuces, arugula, carrots, parsnips, peas, cilantro, orach, dill, borage (flowers tasty), lamb’s quarters. Strawberry spinach

Berries and fruits: goji, raspberry, gooseberry, strawberries (alpine), nanking cherry, serviceberry (alnifolia,sp?), chokecherry, Netleaf Hackberry, currants,

Nuts: hazelnuts, burgambel oak (a cross that bears yearly),

Medicinals: red clover, valerian, self heal, Echinacea, comfrey, dandelion, hops, lavendar, lemon balm, hyssop, horehound, feverfew, calendula (reseeder), bee balm (reseeder), mullein (reseeder), plantain, rue

Good starting point with this combo:
Turkish rocket, garlic chives good king henry, white clover


Burgamble oak http://www.nuttrees.com

Netleaf hackberry http://www.forestfarm.com/product.php?id=5797

Turkish rocket:


Sorrel, good king henry, orach, purslane, lamb’s quarters, strawberry spinach, chickweed, nettles: http://www.bountifulgardens.org

Nutty Groundnut, Jerusalem Artichoke, ramps, welsh onion, Balsamroot and much more: http://oikostreecrops.com

